Non-prescription medicinal products

Mentocaína Spray


17,16 mg/ml

Oromucosal spray

Mentocaína Spray is used for the short-term relief of sore throat symptoms such as inflammation, pain and difficulty swallowing. Available in bottles containing 15 ml oromucosal spray.

In what circumstances to use

Mentocaína Spray is used for the short-term relief of sore throat symptoms such as inflammation, pain, difficulty swallowing and swelling in adults aged 18 years and over.

How to take/use

Adults: one dose of 3 sprays (8.75mg flurbiprofen) in the throat every 3-6 hours, up to a maximum of 5 doses (15 sprays) in each 24-hour period.

  1. Before first use (or after a long period without use) you should first shake and activate the dispenser pump.

  2. Point the cannula away from you and press at least 4 times until a fine, consistent mist is produced.

  3. Always ensure that a fine, consistent mist is produced before the medicine is applied.

  4. When applying the spray solution, aim the cannula at the back of the throat.

  5. With a smooth, quick movement, press the pump 3 times, taking care to fully depress the pump with each spray, as well as removing your finger from the top of the pump between each application.

  • Spray on the back of the throat only.
  • Do not inhale while spraying.
  • Do not use this medicine for more than 3 days.

    Package leaflet

    Shops to buy online

    See also

    Mentocaína Mel e Limão

    Mentocaína Mel e Limão

    Non-prescription medicinal products


    Mentocaína R

    Mentocaína R

    Non-prescription medicinal products


    Mentocaína Anti-Inflam

    Mentocaína Anti-Inflam

    Non-prescription medicinal products

    Sucking lozenges

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